
How to maximize productivity in the workplace

We all strive to be master ‘doers’ – and find ourselves searching for a magic solution to solve all of our problems. However, productivity isn’t a one-size-fits-all deal – the first step toward being more productive lies with scheduling your day intelligently and gaining a true understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. Try using these […]

Project Management, Training

Using the 3 C’s for successful project communication

The Project Management Institute reports that ineffective communication leads to project failure one third of the time and compromises a project’s budget half of the time. This clearly indicates that effective communication is at the heart of project success – however, improving communication can be a little trickier than it sounds. To this end, the Three […]

PMI, PMP, Project Management

10 project management habits to guarantee failure

Many experts believe that, even with the best efforts, a project only has a 50% chance of succeeding (and that’s thought to be a liberal estimate). But there are project management habits which will almost certainly result in a project failing and, of course, most project managers will have heard numbers like this before. It’s […]

PMP, Project Management

7 Steps to Change Management Success

Change management and project management are very closely aligned – to the point where many project managers also find themselves acting as change managers. It’s fair to say that, without correct change management, any proposed change(s) are unlikely to have the desired effect. recognize the importance of change management To this end, let’s take a […]

Change Management, PMP, Project Management

5 Qualities of Top Project Managers

All successful project managers share common key characteristics – and they use these qualities in every project they manage. Of course, success on a project can be down to luck, however, consistent success indicates that the project manager is bringing something special to each project, project team and project client they manage. Here are 5 […]

Project Management, Training

6 emerging global trends in project management

The value of project management is increasingly being recognized in both the private and public sectors – but what are the crucial project delivery emerging global trends? Dedicated project management offices In recent times, project management is taking centre stage, rather than sitting in the background of operations. The first ever project management office (PMO) […]

Project Management, Training

Are great project managers “born” and not “made?

Writing on NoJitter Elizabeth English examines whether great project managers are just born that way or whether the skills to become one can be learnt. English, the founder and lead consultant of EE and Associates, makes the case that it is a combination of the two and while some top personality traits which go into […]

Project Management

Flexible Project Management for Supplier Organizations

An intriguing article by Project Accelerator asks: “Does one size really fit all, or do supplier organizations deserve a bespoke suit?” In “Harmonising the Project Owner to Supplier Relationship”, Adrian Taggart outlines how far project management has developed as a management discipline in its own right over recent years. He believes that much of this […]

Project Management, Training